Come scegli il "tuo" coach?

I parametri per scegliere il tuo coach
Hai capito che il coaching è quello che fa per te in questo momento della tua vista per superare un momento di empasse, per ripartire, per avviare un nuovo progetto...
Come lo scegli? E se puoi scegliere tra due o più?
Chiediti se:
- lavori meglio con una donna o con un uomo,
- se preferisci un giovane o una persona senior,
- se lo vuoi vedere sempre de visu/di persona e in che giorni e ore o va bene anche il telefono o skype,
- se preferisci uno psicologo o con una preparazione /backgroud di questo tipo o una persona che viene dal business,
- se preferisci un Italiano o uno straniero,
- se...
Alla fine quello che ti suggerisco è di chiedere un contatto personale: anche solo al telefono o - meglio - di persona. Noi in GoodGoing! facciamo così, anche come coach noi qui preferiamo conoscerci prima di partire con i lavori...
E poi?
Le referenze
Le referenze, cioè la testimonianza di altri che hanno fatto un percorso con quel coach...
Il percorso di coaching è un percorso a due piuttosto personale e soprattutto coperto da privacy anche se svolto in azienda, quindi è difficile trovare persone disposte e a parlare di sé come coachee soprattutto in Italia dove questi strumenti non sono molto noti e a volte usati male...
Capisco benissimo la situazione, quindi se devo avere delle referenze a volte sono ancora un po' titubante. Non si tratta di avere un feed-back sul percorso e assicurami che quanto fatto sia stato di utilità e apprezzato. E' qualcosa di più.
Di recente mi è capitato di dover fornire delle referenze sul mio operato personale per rinnovare la certificazione come WABC Certified Business Coach. Penso quindi che un estratto del documento inoltrato possa essere di ispirazione e lo condivido volentieri.
“I recently started a new business coaching with Cristina. My main objective was to find a new job considering both an employeer opportunity or start a new business. For that I worked closely with Cristina to review all my previous experiences and knowledge, rewrite the CV in a more modern and synthetic way, organize my personal contacts and network.
I read the book written by Cristina “E’ facile cambiare lavoro se sai come fare”.
During the last months I was able to start selection processes with more than 5 international companies and able to achieve two offer with Cristina's support. Now I am almost near to close with one of this company and start the new job.
The positive experience with Cristina was to understand very clear how to position better my experience and find a good fit with the companies.
Today the job market in Italy is very difficult, few opportunities for employeer positions, a lot of competitors and very long process. Companies are very rigid and conservative and the selection process is very selective.
So for me it was very important the support of Cristina, her experience and knowledge to procedee step by step in the selection processes.
Moreover it was helpful the exercise with Cristina to exclude for several reasons to start a new business and concentrate the search only for employeer positions.
I really suggest the support of Cristina for any person who is looking for a new job because like a coach Cristina is always present and available, give good suggestions, real and professional experience”.
“Cristina has provided me with two private periods, over the past 5 years, of career consulting and job search advice. In the latest period, she has been of essential in helping me as an expatriate, with a chemical engineering background, who would like to make a career step in Italy to search for opportunities and plan further in my career.
First of all, her experience through her own networking, on how companies in Italy recruit and the methodologies used by the local recruiting sector and headhunters has been a . Italy having many SMEs compared to UK companies, especially in engineering, and they operate in a more local and traditional way.
That said, Cristina’s experience in multinational roles, experience in large technical projects, as well as her preparation in the sector (by her own studies and networks such as the PWA – Professional Women Association) means that she can bridge the cultural and technical “gap” that some consultants would find more difficult.
Cristina has a structured approach, starting with self-assessment and evaluation of roles, projects complete, responsibilities and team management, successes and failures at work are all useful as a basis of reflection and exploring new potential paths. They’re also important tools to plan the approach to the job market and prepare the materials for my own research and materials.
Cristina also assisted with preparation of my Curriculum Vitae and the draft letters in Italian, although I’m a fluent speaker and use the language at work every day, there is a certain formality still used within the business communication, that are important to understand. In each case we were flexible enough to formulate a style I feel close to my own and my technical up training. We purposely communicated and prepared the evaluation material in Italian.
Although, my roles are particularly specialized and niche, she was able to understand my experiences and aspirations and recognize my limitations and dislikes, work wise. In this sense, Cristina is well read and has a keen understanding of personalities and how they work in business relationships.”
“I started my collaboration with Cristina in November 2015, during my career transition period. She helped me a lot, she is very efficient and capable of encouraging and really helping people in transforming the transition period into an
We worked together on setting up an ambitious and strategic plan; we started by identifying my strengths and weaknesses and then we worked together on both, we boosted the strengths and I learned how to take advantage from the weaknesses.
She taught me how to use my personal business network and how it is possible to create the interest, by presenting my job and personal history, to appealing companies.
Our plan was ambitious, i.e. how to find a new job in a short period, and strategic, i.e. how to find the job of my dreams by putting in place a medium/long term strategy (which companies I should get in touch with, how to get in touch with
them and how to follow up the contacts).
Since that moment my CV is much more attractive and, above all, my approach is completely different; I am much more efficient, selective and goal oriented.
In all honesty I have to say that after a short transition period of five months I found a new job but we are still working and
making huge progresses for the job of my dreams.”
“Cristina has been a precious support in my "between job" phase when I was attempting a switch in my career but I was stuck in doing the first step and by valuating the real opportunity to be successful.
Cristina provided me with a structured process toward my goal, along with her natural positive approach that was really helpful to strength my motivation.
She started by an analysis and deep understanding of my current situation, past professional path and then built a tailored multi step plan that helped me in focus on priorities.
I found a job immediately after my coach training with Cristina and I will suggest her as an experienced emphatic and successful coach.”
“I had the opportunity to meet Cristina at a difficult time for me. I had accepted the challenge to find a new career and I had to re-think my professionality, to understand my strength and weakness points and build a new path.
Cristina has been for me a great coach, pragmatic and helpful. Able to guide me with patience, in this journey. Constantly available, its pragmatic approaches, with strong methodological basis, helped me, one side to manage the impact of losing
my previous job, on the other side to be ready to confront myself with new opportunities. Step by step she successfully
(in a short time) helped me to reposition myself on the market as a consultant after years as employee.”
“Cristina has been incredibly supportive during every step of our work together. I went to her because I was feeling very confused and professionally unhappy and I was looking for a change. Thanks to her support I managed to build and strengthen my professional self-confidence and to highlight and be aware of my key skills and value on the market. The results came pretty quickly: I am receiving a surprisingly high amount of interview offers and they are all being successful.
She has also helped me in developing my personal business idea, and to believe in it. Although I am still at an early stage of setting it up, she gave me the confidence to pursue my idea.
She has always been ready to answer questions and to offer extra help, and I can't stop thanking for her support!”
“I met Cristina last year. We walked together, actually she drived me, during some months on the way to find a new job. The process has been a well modeled and effective step by step journey, starting from the analysis of my personal and professional competencies through the selection of a list of well fitting positions to the building of a set of presentation tools based on CV, interview simulations, professional network profiles. Cristina effectively approched and managed these activities as a project, defining milestones, finely checking time and quality of deliverables and applying a very high seniority and steady expertise and always focusing on the result that we finally achieved. She knows really well the Italian job market and finally the project was a learning process to me, as far as I gained lot of competencies that I could ever reuse in my professional life. Additionally, she did it having a continuous care of the human perspective; she is always smiling and smoothing into difficulties, kindly respecting my personal being and needs, helping me in approaching troubles with positive mind and finally allowing me to look at real opportunities and discovering what I really want and what is the best choices for me.”
Feed-back is a gift!
– anonymous
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