What a web marketing expert does for the GoodGoing! network?

Web Marketing agency

Web Marketing is an emerging subject matter that is constantly evolving, but there are already some established areas like SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEM (Search Engine Marketing), the use of social networks, the analysis of traffic to a website, that can be useful to a person in the labour market and businesses in general. These are particularly useful if you are a consultant, professional, small business owner and if you have a website and engage in marketing activities on social networks.

In any case they should be examined by a business coach providing comprehensive professional support in situations such as those below.

If you want to change jobs, be visible on the web and be considered an expert in your sector or create a reputation for yourself, nowadays - in the majority of cases - you have to start with LinkedIn, especially if this platform already has professional profiles that are similar to your own! In this case you need to optimise your profile and learn how to update it yourself, in order to post articles, share posts with others, participate in groups as these are becoming increasingly useful. That’s without considering that LinkedIn can be used to keep you up-to-date and for studying. Yes, studying! Have you heard of LinkedIn Learning? And how you ever thought of extending your network with LinkedIn Premium?

And what if you want to work freelance as a consultant? A business coach from GoodGoing! can accompany you in identifying and fine-tuning your business model, but you might also require a social media profile (so not just LinkedIn), a website or a newsletter. You can do all of this yourself, but it might be a good idea to learn how from a professional and then continue yourself or outsource part of your activities, as your core business grows. If you choose to write your own content (Content Marketing), a professional can still be useful for extracting messages from this to be used on the various social networks. Alternatively, by working together you’ll establish the hot topics, and the most searched expressions in search engines for your business sector. That’s why a big advantage, don’t you think?

If you’re considering an entrepreneurial activity like a start-up (not necessarily an innovative start-up) a website seems like a necessity, you might also want to be use e-commerce, or social network profiles. And what about the marketing of the business? You don’t want to neglect web marketing. A Facebook page is not enough and it might not even be useful. By doing everything yourself you might just be wasting time and money and develop a product with an unprofessional "look and feel", they can be attacked by hackers and might not have the right users.


The GoodGoing! network has professionals that can provide this type of support. They are not coaches, but rather web marketing experts.

One of these is Carmen Bobbiesi of PerSEOweb


Who is she?

Carmen Bobbiesi has had a long career in marketing and communication. Since 2009 she has also worked in SEO to improve the positioning of company websites on search engines and since 2014 she has been working with Loredana Lissoni, the co-owner of the communication and marketing agency, Perseoweb srl.

What she does for GoodGoing!

At GoodGoing! she helps with the analysis of the traffic on the website, the communication strategies and supports us in managing the social network profiles.

What Carmen Bobbiesi does for GoodGoing! clients.

A Web Marketing expert can help you understand how to promote your skills on the web, create a strategy that helps you become an "expert" in your sector through social networks or blogs, teach you how to use LinkedIn in a strategic manner to improve your online and off-line reputation, while helping you to create an effective and well-defined personal brand.

Imagine having an image consultant for your online presence, someone you can turn to for support when you decide to develop professionally, change jobs or open your own business!

You might be able to do everything on your own but having someone who really knows about online dynamics can certainly help to optimise your time so you can focus on what you really like!

At a business level (entrepreneurs and start-ups) she can determine whether your communication and marketing activities out are really effective for reaching your objectives. She can then analyse your website and define strategies to improve its visibility and traffic, design a targeted communication strategy online (on social media) and offline (press office), assess the image of your business to truly make it effective for its mission (i.e. restyling of the logo, coordinated image).

A Web Marketing expert can also be the compass for you to get the most out of your communication.

About the author
Cristina Gianotti
For more than fifteen years Cristina Gianotti has been working in Coaching - Career, Executive and Business Coaching – supporting managers, professionals and entrepreneurs that are interested in investing in themselves and their own professional development. She comes from a management consulting, management and entrepreneurial background. In 2016 she published her fisrt book "E' facile cambiare lavoro se sai come fare" (It is easy to change job if knowing how) with bookabook. In 2018 the second one "Connecting Dots: il networking questo sconosciuto" (Connetting dots: the unknow professional networking").

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