Ladies, let’s claim our rightful place in the labour market!

Women with a scientific background

Are women still playing catch-up?

20 years have passed since the day I was attending a conference on the labour market trends for the ICT (Information & Communication Technology) sector where for the first time, according to the speaker, parameters had been introduced for presenting data that distinguished between men and women …

I had already been working for 10 years and had a degree in Electronic Engineering from Milan’s Politecnico.

This is my snapshot

Since this "shock" I have Always looked out to see how many women are attending the conferences I go to, generally those on ICT. Even nowadays there are a lot of men with grey or white hair, a few women speakers at best, a few female students in the audience, some women involved in marketing, some journalists focusing on the sector and a few professional women in the audience.

STEM studies

That’s why articles like the following one (which I will be commenting) are useful -  Women and technology-  especially at a time where people are trying to decide what to do after finishing high school or the year before they finish. And this is important for the individuals themselves and for their parents and family who may influence their choices.

  • I started university in 1980. That summer I heard a friend’s grandmother say that my friend should be happy doing a 4 year degree course in the humanities because she was a woman …
  • I chose to study engineering right at the last moment after considering all scientific subjects. I must admit I had never strived to study Engineering, as it seemed too much: for me, as a woman from a poor family… It was an old man I knew who suggested it. I can’t remember his exact age as I didn’t have grandparents but he was more than 70 and I owe him a major debt of gratitude!!!
  • At my graduation in 1986, a friend’s mum told me that for my future having a family would have be more important than getting top marks in my degree … Really???
  • This is the cultural environment in the North of Italy (where people think they’re more modern than in the South! 😊)!
  • I don’t waste time crying about it anymore but I fight for change wherever possible. I support women whenever I can, I understand them very well in my job. I’m a career coach and I see far too many women who are discriminated against, even in multinationals!
  • I’ve always known about this problem and been aware of it but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t all do our bit. It’s the most effective strategy and I recommend it.
  • Let’s study Engineering, Computer Science, Chemistry and Medicine …
  • Let’s not take up back-office or communication positions, let’s go into the productive roles.
  • Let’s go into start-ups with other colleagues even if they’re all men.

Female skills

In terms of skills:

  • Who’s better than a woman as a problem-solver, and in
    terms of openness to change, initiative, creativity and determination? We are mothers and wives, it’s in our DNA!
  • Networking? We’re women...
  • What about leadership? And above all situational leadership? Have you ever tried to make a marriage or family work, deal with kids, a husband, parents, parents-in-law … ? And even have a couple of lovers on the go, if you want to factor that in too! 😊

Even though you might think I’m joking from my tone, I am not. I am using stereotypes relating to women but giving them a positive slant! Instead of the negative approach that has always been preferred by male authors.

Make way for women

Make room for us, or rather let’s claim our own rightful space!

And if you’re struggling speak about it with an external party like a career coach, who’ll be there to help you from behind the scenes!

Join a network of women like the PWA, for women who care about themselves and their careers, which is after all an important part of themselves.

It’s not about creating a ghetto mentality but it’s about finding some space to recharge your batteries, get some energy in positive environments as companies aren’t always the place for that… Or the right place for all women.

About the author
Cristina Gianotti
For more than fifteen years Cristina Gianotti has been working in Coaching - Career, Executive and Business Coaching – supporting managers, professionals and entrepreneurs that are interested in investing in themselves and their own professional development. She comes from a management consulting, management and entrepreneurial background. In 2016 she published her fisrt book "E' facile cambiare lavoro se sai come fare" (It is easy to change job if knowing how) with bookabook. In 2018 the second one "Connecting Dots: il networking questo sconosciuto" (Connetting dots: the unknow professional networking").

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