What a financial consultant does for the GoodGoing! network

Financial knowledge

When you want to pursue an important professional objective such as changing jobs, you need to consider the economic and financial aspects connected with the project and a professional like a financial consultant or business plan expert can come in handy. Let’s look at certain cases where support from this type of professional can make the difference.

You want to change jobs and are open to moving to a different city or country, and even earning less just to get you started in another sector. It might be a good idea to assess your financial situation with the support of a financial consultant or private banker.
A professional and qualified coach will also illustrate this sides of a project and won’t push you in the wrong direction. Before embarking on major change, as well as taking stock of the professional skills and personal characteristics you’ll be offering the market, it could be a winning choice to also look at the financial resources you can rely on. This process might simply involve becoming more aware of a strength you might have underestimated until now!

You want to go freelance or do another degree or a Masters, perhaps in another country, or you want to start a partnership in a start-up. Assessing your financial resources is one of the steps that a coach with a comprehensive approach to the process of change will suggest you make. Expert advice is just what you need before making a sizable purchase or investment, and help you work out whether you can afford a period where you’ll be earning less that you have done in recent years.

You are developing a new entrepreneurial idea … sooner or later you’re going to have to prepare a business plan. Quite often you’ll begin with bottom line considerations using a business model canvas, but even here costs and revenues are two essential components of the model for verifying whether a business can be sustainable. If it’s not sustainable, there’s no point going ahead. But when you continue with the project you want to have a real business plan, especially if you want to grow the business and ask for loans and participate in tenders.

The business coaches at GoodGoing! will help you define a business model canvas and business plan, but when it comes to economic and financial planning, we recommend you speak to an expert. We can put you in touch with one!


The GoodGoing! network has professionals who can provide this type of support. They are not coaches, but rather “numbers” experts.

One of these experts is Giuseppe Stacchino

Beppe Stacchino

Who is he?

Giuseppe Stacchino has had a long career in finance. Initially in the Administration, Finance and Control departments of medium-sized Italian companies, he dealt with ordinary and extraordinary financial transactions. Subsequently, alongside individuals wanting to manage their financial assets in an effective and professional manner, he became a financial consultant with Banca Generali Private. His background includes: a degree in Economics in Turin, MBA at Bocconi in Milan, qualifications as a chartered accountant and financial analyst and fluency in English. Extensive reading in history and economics and lots of travelling across all 5 continents, complete his profile.

What he does for GoodGoing!

Giuseppe Stacchino is one of the founders of GoodGoing! and he deals with the network’s economic, financial and tax affairs.

He offers Goodgoing! clients his expertise:

  • for a valuation and efficient allocation of the financial assets of individuals who want to embark on a major professional change
  • for assessing the business plan of a new company or start-up, in particular
  • for economic and financial aspects for evaluating an investment in a start-up
  • for assessing the business plan of a franchising network
  • for training for technical interviews for roles in administration finance and control.
About the author
Cristina Gianotti
For more than fifteen years Cristina Gianotti has been working in Coaching - Career, Executive and Business Coaching – supporting managers, professionals and entrepreneurs that are interested in investing in themselves and their own professional development. She comes from a management consulting, management and entrepreneurial background. In 2016 she published her fisrt book "E' facile cambiare lavoro se sai come fare" (It is easy to change job if knowing how) with bookabook. In 2018 the second one "Connecting Dots: il networking questo sconosciuto" (Connetting dots: the unknow professional networking").

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