Coaching: what if you really could do with it?

Executive Coaching

What is Coaching?

Unfortunately, even though the word "coach" or "coaching" is wrongly used in certain cases, in certain others it is still unknown, misunderstood or ignored.

In Italy when you use the word “coach” people immediately think of football coaches. But even a football coach might need a coach!

Apparently before becoming a successful football coach (many years ago now), Carlo Ancelotti had some coaching...

In a professional setting – where the profession is not a sport– coaching needs to be explained.

And the best way do that is with a video? What is Coaching.

So why should you turn to a Coach?

1. To identify realistic and better objectives.

Fulfilling objectives you set yourself represents a source of great satisfaction for us all. But when you realise you are wasting time and precious energy heading in an uncertain direction or, even worse, in the wrong direction, it’s easy to get dejected and down.

A Coach supports individuals in setting realistic objectives in line with their expectations, using the available resources and by offering a competent external perspective.

2. To reach your objectives quickly.

How many times have you been tied down by daily chores and seen your real goals slip away? A Coach can help you keep your eye on the target and work hard to reach your goals in the desired timeframes. 

Coaches listen to their clients and analyse their arguments in detail so that the correct decision can be identified.

3. To deal calmly with important professional changes.

We live in a time of rapid and continual progress. Resisting change means being rejected by the system and struggling to deal with even the slightest change to your routine.

A Coach offers an insight on the consequences of a static model and will help you see the advantages of
proactive change. A Coach helps people to evolve and progress.

4. To plan and pursue your professional career.

Who said you have to accept any old profession and career? We are masters of our own destiny, at least in part.

A Coach will help you list of your skills, including knowledge and experience, and direct them towards the most suitable line of work for you.

5. To deal with uncertainty and make decisions.

Managers are required to make the right decisions quickly, but this often happens without the time to collect all available information and evaluate this wisely.

Coaches listen to their clients and analyse their arguments in detail so that the correct decision can be identified.

6. To reduce the stress associated with a manager’s isolation.

The Manager, the Professional, the Entrepreneur, all of these people act and make decisions in isolation. There is no team, or boss, or colleague, or friend they can rely on completely.

A Coach is someone a manager can explore a new idea with, express concerns and doubts to, or help to draw up business plans, with the peace of mind that comes with being able to think out loud and think creatively without any restrictions.

7. Per diventare un leader, o almeno un manager migliore.

L'arte della leadership si impara attraverso l'abitudine al comportamento etico e corretto. Essere un leader riconosciuto significa acquisire metodi relazionali apprezzati e condivisi.

Il Coach è lo specchio parlante che offre la magia della scoperta dei propri valori personali, collabora al miglioramento di immagine e di pensiero, aiuta a perfezionare il contesto relazionale, offre un punto di vista imparziale per determinare risorse e lacune.

So who needs coaching?

Here’s another video that you might find useful – Everyone could do with a coach. You too! 

GoodGoing! and its coaches are ready tosupport you in your projects for development and change. Give us a call or booka meeting to discuss what you need! 

About the author
Cristina Gianotti
For more than fifteen years Cristina Gianotti has been working in Coaching - Career, Executive and Business Coaching – supporting managers, professionals and entrepreneurs that are interested in investing in themselves and their own professional development. She comes from a management consulting, management and entrepreneurial background. In 2016 she published her fisrt book "E' facile cambiare lavoro se sai come fare" (It is easy to change job if knowing how) with bookabook. In 2018 the second one "Connecting Dots: il networking questo sconosciuto" (Connetting dots: the unknow professional networking").

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