Are customers really your main focus?

Customer Satisfaction

Do you remember the previous article? The one where we described the agreement with Moovs and its complementarity with GoodGoing? In it we mentioned the six strategic relational areas in which Moovs provides its consulting services, which we would like to examine and share with you in more depth. These six areas are:

  • Relations with customers (customer development),
  • Relations with employees (development of individual competencies),
  • Relations with the organisation (organisational development and development of business skills),
  • Relations with third parties (development of sustainable long-term relations),
  • Relations with the community (partnerships in local activities and development of the workforce),
  • Relations with society (sustainable development).

In this article we’ll be focusing on relations with customers.

In this regard I recently heard about an event which shows that a company’s staff does not always give customers the importance they deserve, and sometimes CEOs are guilty of this too. Specifically, in the episode I heard about, a CEO received a call from a customer when he was out at dinner. The customer told him this was an emergency but the CEO said he had no time to talk and told the customer to contact one of his staff the following morning. Do you know what happened next? The customer - who was very important for the company - threatened to terminate the contract if the CEO was not replaced. Not long after he was.

Since I have had numerous commercial roles during my professional life, I have always been aware that it’s customers who actually “pay” my salary, influence my career, enable me to have good references and get to meet new customers. Behaviour such as that described above can be a serious risk for a company and it’s only right that the CEO was replaced.

On their website Moovs says: “The client who calls on a Friday afternoon at half past 5, is not the one disturbing a peaceful week ending, but the one who pays the booze.” It is the challenge to let every employee understand this instinctively. Hello CUSTOMER, what can I do for you?!”

Moovs offers a vast range of high-level leaning interventions, to provide customer relations with content, growth and resilience. The range varies from experience for hospitality and customer satisfaction in sales and the management of sales accounts.

A Common Service language

A common service language is essential for developing an excellent service organisation. Moovs develops a common service language through a modelling session with a project team, comprising various levels of organisation. In this way the service language will be comprehensible to all members of the organisation.

It’s the customer who determines what behaviours and values are important for providing an excellent service. The starting point for Moovs is to make the difference and make their distinctive positioning clear through concrete behaviour. This is why Moovs uses the approach of hospitality that is customary for restaurants and bars and a sales model in 6 phases, devised internally, comprising: approach, attention, action, analysis, active sales and conclusion.

Aside from the method devised by Moovs, this is one of the areas with the most affinity with the expertise of the team at GoodGoing! and, is therefore also worth looking at it. We’ll be returning to this topic later.

About the author
Stefano Carlo Longo
Stefano Carlo Longo has had a long career as an “innovator” in the ICT sector, in management positions in sales, marketing and consultancy with major international companies, including EY, Atos and Adobe. He is the co-founder of an e-commerce company dedicated to luxury wines and is an investor in a rapidly developing start-up in the Mobile Engagement sector (MobileBridge), which he promotes with customers and partners.

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