Is your organisation already performing well?


In the previous article we discussed relations with customers and how our partnership with Moovs provides our clients with a vast catalogue of courses on a key topic for the development of companies, especially in a challenging period like this.

In this article we’ll be looking at the second of the six strategic relational areas identified by Moovs, i.e. relations with employees. Since the term “employee “ does not fully identify all the people who work for a company or entity, we prefer to use the term co-worker, which includes relations with the company’s workers and other similar professionals.

At GoodGoing! this topic ties in with a significant part of our activities: the search for work matches the need for companies to recruit co-workers with the right characteristics for the roles companies need them to cover, the development of competencies based on the need to remain competitive in the market matches an individual’s professional career, the management of human resources connects with the motivation and involvement of individuals. In other words, precisely the very topics we have been examining since GoodGoing! was founded, albeit in this case our focus is on businesses rather than individuals.

Relations with employees

Does it sound familiar? Projects requiring 100 FTE (Full Time Equivalent – i.e. a full-time resource) for a month to be completed, can be delivered by ten co-workers in a week. But how can a FTE be turned into a colleague? How can you keep him or her “on board” with the team for the entire duration of the project? And how can these actions towards individuals be transformed into an overall constructive factor?

Organisations with a high performance use a relational strategy and achieve success together. Moovs and GoodGoing! support the development of productive and sustainable relations through high-quality learning. The development of all relations that people have with an organisation is the new competitive force, with resulting impacts on employees, customers, external parties, community, society and organisation.

Want to know more about the types of courses we are referring to? The catalogue prepared by Moovs for relations with employees includes courses focusing on the improvement of individual performances and others targeting the excellence of the team. The courses can be chosen à la carte, including on an individual basis, or grouped together based on specific requirements. The images below illustrate the training processes for relations with employees.

Excellence of staff I and II – examples of interventions that can be combined or used separately

Eccellenza Personale I
Eccellenza Personale Ii

Excellence of the team

Moovs  Eccellenza Del Team

A detailed description of the contents of individual modules is available on the website This is why we won’t be digressing here but, as an example, you can read about one of the courses attached to this article.

Proactivity Course – Personal Excellence I – Relations with co-workers (0 kb.)

About the author
Stefano Carlo Longo
Stefano Carlo Longo has had a long career as an “innovator” in the ICT sector, in management positions in sales, marketing and consultancy with major international companies, including EY, Atos and Adobe. He is the co-founder of an e-commerce company dedicated to luxury wines and is an investor in a rapidly developing start-up in the Mobile Engagement sector (MobileBridge), which he promotes with customers and partners.

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