Roberto, the manager who unlocks people’s potential

You may not be responsible for the situation you're in, but you will be if you do nothing to change it.

– Martin Luther King

The Head Hunter who recruited Roberto for the company recommended he go on an Executive Coaching programme.

What for? To adapt the managerial approach he had developed in other companies to the new environment and the new corporate culture.

Corporate Coaching

A consolidated managerial approach can be amended and evolved to be adapted to new environments. You shouldn’t just assume change will come about through a process of trial and error as this could have a negative impact on a company’s results.

It’s best to call on the services of an external coach and devise an individual programme for yourself, some team members and the team as a whole.

Roberto focused on three areas:

  • communication
  • sales
  • digitalisation.

After a pilot phase of the Executive Coaching programme for some of his frontline staff, Roberto extended the process to second-line staff using Team Coaching sessions.

GoodGoing! is here to help

GoodGoing! has a team of business coaches and consultants, professionals and entrepreneurs at the service of people who want to thrive in their professional careers.

A certified Executive Coach can help Roberto and his team by providing a consolidated methodology and an extensive corporate experience. In this specific case we used professionals as well as specific tools. What type of tools? TTI Success Insights Personality tests for Behaviours, Motivators and Emotional Intelligence.

About the consultant
Cristina Gianotti
Cristina Gianotti si occupa da oltre quindici anni di Coaching - Career, Executive e Business Coaching – a supporto di: manager, professionisti, imprenditori interessati a investire su stessi e sulla propria crescita professionale. Viene da un background di consulenza direzionale, management e imprenditoria. Nel 2016 ha pubblicato il suo primo libro "E' facile cambiare lavoro se sai come fare" con bookabook. Nel 2018 il suo secondo sul networking: "Connecting Dots: il networking, questo sconosciuto".



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